Western Silk Scarves- Don't leave home without it!

Western silk scarves are not only a staple in the western wear look and make a great accessory to your outfit they also benefit you in warmth. I am always amazed when I wear my scarves how much of a difference they make in keeping me warm all day. 

Looking back at how the cowboys on the range and cowgirls wore them, they almost always just wore it like a long necklace. Not tightly wrapped around the neck. The size we make them nowadays is to wrap around the neck tightly and secure. I think this new catalog will represent this look and we might play with scarf size. I just like the look so much as they wore them so loosely and casual. 

We will play with prints and materials, try to bring something different to what is out there now. You have got to love a scarf, don't leave home without it, and remember they come in more handy then just to wear around your neck. Tell us what you look for in a scarf and maybe what you have looked for and not found. Maybe you'll see it in our new catalog!

Cattle Kate has been making silk scarves for over 30 thirty years. The originator of Cattle Kate Started the business making scarves in her basement, before we even made clothing for sale. Our scarves still carry our name branded on them so you know they are a Cattle Kate scarf and we take pride in the fabrics we choose and the ladies that make them for you. 

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