First I must apologize to all the men Cattle Kate shoppers. We do not have nearly the selection of clothing that we should for you. Well that is going to change.
We have a notebook of ideas coming to you soon. From a modern day western shirt with paisley accents, to a cotton/suede studded shirt to old west vintage designs we know you need more to choose from.
We have never made men's pants before but we are looking into producing two styles. Of course the 1800's option with the buttons for suspenders, but one thing that we have been asked for more then anything? A mens western suit set. Not sure of the plans for this yet, but I think it is needed.
Vests, you will see a lot of the same old west vest styles, we will bring in some new fabrics and maybe even a leather vest.
Western neckwear is very popular in men's accessories, new bolos and new silk tie colors, we can heardly wait to share all our research and design ideas!
Again, we apprecaite all your support of USA made western clothing, and men we hear you, more to come for you!